Highlights of 2009 included, but were not limited to a new first family in January (and a new tone for the country), a trip to the blizzardy Sierras with friends in February, another reading of my musical in March, a Green Day concert in April, a trip to Disneyland and to see friends in June, an astonishingly random convergence of all my brothers AND my cousins in July, a birthday mud bath in August, a congregation of best girlfriends AND a trip to my dad's home town in September, a comic brush with Swine Flu in October, a trip to Colorado in November, and this month, the best Hannukah ever. Throughout the year I've enjoyed some very special visits from old friends, and made some wonderful new friends as well.
This year I've been proudest of: Donald for learning Aikido, becoming a jazz pianist, and growing two inches; my brother-in-law Foo (Dan Caven) for getting his art career into second gear; my husband for blogging daily and beating every level of every available guitar game (on medium); my mother for becoming a publisher; my cousin for becoming a world-traveler; and myself for finally putting my collected cartoons into a book (coming out in May)!
But wait, there's more! Click here to read the captions.
And finally, stuff we liked in 2009 included, but was not limited to: spray pancakes and instant bacon, District 9, UP, Mad Men, dog packs (both kinds), jazz band, 500 Days of Summer, Beatles Rock Band, fantasy football, family runs, graywater, the new California Academy of Sciences, stop-motion animation, exotic sports cars, Facebook, Alex Ryder, Thursday Next, Columbine (the book), and AVATAR!