
Peace Wants a Piece of the Pie | Mother's Day National Action

Mother's Day began with mothers coming together and calling for greater wisdom and diplomacy, their hearts sick from losing their sons to senseless wars.

The Peace Alliance understands that building peace takes as much effort and energy as preparing for war, and is our best national defense.

I love this campaign! And I plan to make a pie this year. Join me!

Peace Wants a Piece of the Pie | Mother's Day National Action


Leap Day Cobbler

The Leap Day issue of the Cobbler called readers to action with this quote from 30 Rock: "Every four years you get a magical extra day! A day to do the things you ordinarily wouldn't do - to take chances!"

Then I discussed my own "leap" into web fiction and begged readers to sign up to read my forthcoming BLOOK.

I also introduced my first kindle book, let readers know about my free ebook, and announced a new blog about LOLs.

The featured 'stuff' was the "Sorry about your Uterus" card and the Relax t-shirt.