
10 powerful actions to start on 10-10-10

  1. Calculate your carbon footprint if you haven't already.
  2. Find 10 appliances that use electricity in your house and find ways to keep them off. (Here's a good helper.)
  3. Get a good bike, find a good route, or make some friends to carpool with to your regular places.
  4. Learn the 10-second rule of idling and cut your car's carbon 10% or more.
  5. Find 10 ways to make better food choices.
  6. Start a recycling and composting plan in your home or workplace if you haven’t already.
  7. Plant 10 trees in your neighborhood or in a national forest. (Here's how.)
  8. Tell 10 people about 350ppm! It's easy to forward links from Youtube.
  9. Write a letter to a newspaper or tv station and ask them to report the daily carbon ppm count with the weather report.
  10. Commit to writing 10 letters, going to 10 rallies, or signing 10 petitions to demand responsible climate leadership this year.
What else should be on this list? Any other or better ideas?

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